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What's My Next Move? There are 1 replies:
What's My Next Move? Original post: Tue 11/15/2016 at 10:47 PM

I only looked at the initial pictures. This article was odd. Obviously to get a career, or be accepted into one, you typically have to attend college and/or university. So the fact that they were offering "personal" questions as to what I need to do to obtain a career, and how do I go about obtaining said career, didn't really make sense. Like, pretty sure the student is aware of what major they are studying for, and upon their last years, can decide what career path they plan to take. So it is more or less, where should I apply, or is so and so hiring, rather than what do I need to do in this entire situation?

Re: What's My Next Move? Posted: Tue 11/15/2016 at 11:58 PM, in reply to Lauren M. Anderson

I completely agree with you. I think that these are all questions that should have been looked at before coming to college. I feel like especially at this point in college, although the article does provide some useful information, it is all a bit irrelevant.